Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Team Work

They say it's team work.How does the team work then?
One dominates over the other? 
While the other is forced to compromise for a certain greater cause; to make this teamwork work? 
So then what happens when those droplets of compromises combine together to form that dark cloud?
The cloud grows deeper and darker..
They say Team work is all about Respect , Understanding and Space.
Respect and Understanding is mutual, isn't it?
Space.. let's not talk about it at all.The concept is getting blurry.I don't think a space of my own exists anymore.
There's hardly any space left in my left or right brain let alone physical space.

Yet the team keeps working.We keep it working.
Compromises piling up. Collective resentments gathering in a heap.Space crushed.

The team keeps working.
Waiting to realise the certain "greater cause"..

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