Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Fault

Currently reading Salman Rushdie (Midnight's Children).
As usual deeply perturbed and involved in it.Maybe people around me have no clue why I am acting so weird.
Talking in monologues.Only answering.
It is because a world away from this has crept up in my mind.
Post-independence era : (po-co literature they say) with his different version and interpretation makes me re-think
of the way India has been.Its root and where its going.
A Macro opinion from a micro point of view couldn't be more intriguing.
Just using up my remaining dwindling space with something that I love.

I know he must be wondering.Everyone is wondering.
I don't know what i am shying away from.I don't know why I don't want to face anyone right now.
I am just immersed in this imaginary post-colonial(po-co) period (no one judges me there).
Thank you Mr. Rushdie for giving me this perfect hideaway.
One of those phases when I like to be on my own.  :)


Functional Team Work

Last weekend was nice.The feeling of losing virginity as I did all the household chores for the first time.
It felt like a woman.I woke up and served him breakfast.(Since we were home alone with each other)
Put all clothes and bed sheets,bed covers,curtains into the washing machine.Spread them in the terrace afterwards.
Fed the fishes (there are 4 of them). Watered the plants.
Cooked lunch.Washed the dishes.
Made a romantic end to the day as I put 
an expensive sky colored table cloth to cover up the cracks in that old table.
Once I put the blue flower vase over it and the fabindia table mats ,the dinner table looked too good to be true.
What with all the transparent dishes ,the red bull served in the glasses,
the cheese garlic bread and the pork chops(prepared by him) and the custard tasted heavenly.
The supper was not over though.It went on throughout the night..(Thanks to Charlie Parker)
One of those days when the team worked in perfect sync.Maybe gives me the reason to accept and endure other days.

Team Work

They say it's team work.How does the team work then?
One dominates over the other? 
While the other is forced to compromise for a certain greater cause; to make this teamwork work? 
So then what happens when those droplets of compromises combine together to form that dark cloud?
The cloud grows deeper and darker..
They say Team work is all about Respect , Understanding and Space.
Respect and Understanding is mutual, isn't it?
Space.. let's not talk about it at all.The concept is getting blurry.I don't think a space of my own exists anymore.
There's hardly any space left in my left or right brain let alone physical space.

Yet the team keeps working.We keep it working.
Compromises piling up. Collective resentments gathering in a heap.Space crushed.

The team keeps working.
Waiting to realise the certain "greater cause"..